If the Credit Card Is Not Used, Should There Be Any Issue?
One of the most widely used payment methods across the globe is credit cards, and when it comes to India, many people wonder about the best credit cards in India . They come in various forms, including secured and unsecured credit cards, and offer several benefits such as cashback rewards, discounts, and convenience. Many people assume that if they're not using their credit cards, there shouldn't be any issues. However, that's not entirely true. Let’s explore the potential issues that can arise from not using your credit card and what you can do to prevent them. Inactivity Fees Many credit card issuers may also charge an inactivity fee if you don't use your card for an extended period. The length of time before the inactivity fee is charged varies depending on the issuer, but it can be as little as three months or as long as a year. The inactivity fees can range from Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 per month, which can add up over time and lead to unnecessary expenses. Decrease in C...